59866: When scanning WEB-INF/classes for annotations, don't scan the contents of WEB-INF/classes/META-INF (if present) since classes will never be loaded from that location. (markt)

대상 버전 : Tomcat 7.0.71 ~ 등

  • 9.0.x for 9.0.0.M10 onwards
  • 8.5.x for 8.5.5 onwards
  • 8.0.x for 8.0.37 onwards
  • 7.0.x for 7.0.71 onwards


1. ContextConfig

WebConfig 메소드 내에 else if ("META-INF".equals(binding.getName())) 부분 추가입니다. (아래 확인)

                try {
                    try {
                        listBindings = context.getResources().listBindings(
                    } catch (NameNotFoundException ignore) {
                        // Safe to ignore
                    while (listBindings != null &&
                            listBindings.hasMoreElements()) {
                        Binding binding = listBindings.nextElement();
                        if (binding.getObject() instanceof FileDirContext) {
                            File webInfClassDir = new File(
                                    ((FileDirContext) binding.getObject()).getDocBase());
                            processAnnotationsFile(webInfClassDir, webXml,
                        } else if ("META-INF".equals(binding.getName())) {
                            // Skip the META-INF directory from any JARs that have been
                            // expanded in to WEB-INF/classes (sometimes IDEs do this).
                        } else {
                            String resource =
                                    "/WEB-INF/classes/" + binding.getName();
                            try {
                                URL url = sContext.getResource(resource);
                                processAnnotationsUrl(url, webXml,
                            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                        resource), e);
                } catch (NamingException e) {
                            "/WEB-INF/classes"), e);


2. BaseDirContext

if (name.endsWith(".class")) 로직 추가입니다.

    private Object doLookupWithoutNNFE(String name) throws NamingException {
        if (!aliases.isEmpty()) {
            AliasResult result = findAlias(name);
            if (result.dirContext != null) {
                return result.dirContext.lookup(result.aliasName);
        // Next do a standard lookup
        Object obj = doLookup(name);
        if (obj != null) {
            return obj;
        // Class files may not be loaded from the alternate locations so don't
        // waste cycles looking.
        if (name.endsWith(".class")) {
            return null;
        // Check the alternate locations (Resource JARs)
        String resourceName = "/META-INF/resources" + name;
        for (DirContext altDirContext : altDirContexts) {
            if (altDirContext instanceof BaseDirContext) {
                obj = ((BaseDirContext) altDirContext)
            } else {
                try {
                    obj = altDirContext.lookup(resourceName);
                } catch (NamingException ex) {
                    // ignore
            if (obj != null) {
                return obj;
        // Return null instead
        return null;