[버그] "azure" 명령어로 VM 생성 시 에러

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04 Apr 2017 11:18 - 04 Apr 2017 11:19 #2011 작성자: azureking
azureking 님의 글: [버그] "azure" 명령어로 VM 생성 시 에러
1. 에러 발생
- VM 이름에 "-" 포함되어 있음

PS C:\king> azure vm quick-create
info:    Executing command vm quick-create
Resource group name:  RGTest
Virtual machine name:  king-vm-linux-01
Location name:  eastasia
Operating system Type [Windows, Linux]:  Linux
ImageURN (in the format of "publisherName:offer:skus:version") or a VHD link to the user image:  coreos:coreos:stable:la
User name:  adminuser
Password: ************
Confirm password: ************
+ Listing virtual machine sizes available in the location "eastasia"
+ Looking up the VM "king-vm-linux-01"
info:    Using the VM Size "Standard_DS1"
info:    The [OS, Data] Disk or image configuration requires storage account
+ Looking up the storage account stof0fbki2igh0v
info:    Could not find the storage account "stof0fbki2igh0v", trying to create new one
+ Creating storage account "stof0fbki2igh0v" in "eastasia"
+ Looking up the storage account stof0fbki2igh0v
+ Looking up the NIC "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-nic"
info:    An nic with given name "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-nic" not found, creating a new one
+ Looking up the virtual network "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-vnet"
info:    Preparing to create new virtual network and subnet
| Creating a new virtual network "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-vnet" [address prefix: ""] with subnet "king--east
+-2e106pa5adya-snet" [address prefix: ""]
+ Looking up the virtual network "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-vnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-snet" under the virtual network "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-vnet"
info:    Found public ip parameters, trying to setup PublicIP profile
+ Looking up the public ip "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-pip"
info:    PublicIP with given name "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-pip" not found, creating a new one
+ Creating public ip "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-pip"
+ Looking up the public ip "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-pip"
+ Creating NIC "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-nic"
+ Looking up the NIC "king--easta-2e106pa5adya-nic"
error:   clisto12345445kingvm-lin is not a valid storage account name. Storage account name must be between 3 and 24 cha
racters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.
error:   Error information has been recorded to C:\Users\wtime\.azure\azure.err
error:   vm quick-create command failed

2. 에러 발생 안함
- VM 이름에 "-" 포함되어 있지 않음

PS C:\king> azure vm quick-create
info:    Executing command vm quick-create
Resource group name:  RGTest
Virtual machine name:  kingvmlinux01
Location name:  eastasia
Operating system Type [Windows, Linux]:  Linux
ImageURN (in the format of "publisherName:offer:skus:version") or a VHD link to the user image:  coreos:coreos:stable:la
User name:  adminuser
Password: ************
Confirm password: ************
+ Listing virtual machine sizes available in the location "eastasia"
+ Looking up the VM "kingvmlinux01"
info:    Using the VM Size "Standard_DS1"
info:    The [OS, Data] Disk or image configuration requires storage account
+ Looking up the storage account sto123lyanwccsd
info:    Could not find the storage account "sto123lyanwccsd", trying to create new one
+ Creating storage account "sto123lyanwccsd" in "eastasia"
+ Looking up the storage account sto123lyanwccsd
+ Looking up the NIC "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic"
info:    An nic with given name "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic" not found, creating a new one
+ Looking up the virtual network "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-vnet"
info:    Preparing to create new virtual network and subnet
\ Creating a new virtual network "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-vnet" [address prefix: ""] with subnet "kingv-east
+-yrf3abcd1234-snet" [address prefix: ""]
+ Looking up the virtual network "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-vnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-snet" under the virtual network "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-vnet"
info:    Found public ip parameters, trying to setup PublicIP profile
+ Looking up the public ip "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip"
info:    PublicIP with given name "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip" not found, creating a new one
+ Creating public ip "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip"
+ Looking up the public ip "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip"
+ Creating NIC "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic"
+ Looking up the NIC "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic"
+ Looking up the storage account clisto12345445kingvmlinu
+ Creating VM "kingvmlinux01"
+ Looking up the VM "kingvmlinux01"
+ Looking up the NIC "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic"
+ Looking up the public ip "kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip"
data:    Id                              :/subscriptions/abcd1234-0687-484a-810c-xyzxyzxyzxyz/resourceGroups/RGTest/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/kingvmlinux01
data:    ProvisioningState               :Succeeded
data:    Name                            :kingvmlinux01
data:    Location                        :eastasia
data:    Type                            :Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
data:    Hardware Profile:
data:      Size                          :Standard_DS1
data:    Storage Profile:
data:      Image reference:
data:        Publisher                   :coreos
data:        Offer                       :coreos
data:        Sku                         :stable
data:        Version                     :latest
data:      OS Disk:
data:        OSType                      :Linux
data:        Name                        :cli6456e45061fa1234-os-1491271435915
data:        Caching                     :ReadWrite
data:        CreateOption                :FromImage
data:        Vhd:
data:          Uri                       :https://sto123lyanwccsd.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/cli6456e45061fa1234-os-1491271435915.vhd
data:    OS Profile:
data:      Computer Name                 :kingvmlinux01
data:      User Name                     :adminuser
data:      Secrets                       :[]
data:      Linux Configuration:
data:        Disable Password Auth       :false
data:    Network Profile:
data:      Network Interfaces:
data:        Network Interface #1:
data:          Primary                   :true
data:          MAC Address               :00-0D-3A-00-01-02
data:          Provisioning State        :Succeeded
data:          Name                      :kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-nic
data:          Location                  :eastasia
data:            Public IP address       :
data:            FQDN                    :kingv-easta-yrf3abcd1234-pip.eastasia.cloudapp.azure.com
data:    Diagnostics Profile:
data:      BootDiagnostics Enabled       :true
data:      BootDiagnostics StorageUri    :https://clisto12345445kingvmlinu.blob.core.windows.net/
data:      Diagnostics Instance View:
info:    vm quick-create command OK
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