카테고리: [ Web Application Server ]
조회수: 4388

1. LENA WAS 어드민 사용자 암호 초기화

2. 방법 를 실행한다. 이 파일은 LENA 가 설치된 곳의 bin 에 있다.

아래는 사용자 이름이 administrator 라고 할 때 예임.

$ ./
*  LENA Server Install !      *
| 1. USER_ID is the user id to reset
|    ex : admin
| 2. NEW_PASSWORD is the password to change
|    - password rule #1 : more than 8 length
|    - password rule #2 : inclusion of one or more alphabet characters
|    - password rule #3 : inclusion of one or more numerical digits
|    - password rule #4 : inclusion of one or more special characters
Input USER_ID for installation. (q:quit)
Input NEW_PASSWORD for installation. (q:quit)

The password has been changed successfuly.
Execution is completed.!!